Our Mission

WebQ represents LGBTQIA+ and our allied communities to cultivate systemic equity in the design of startups, emerging technologies, institutions, and policies.

Our Vision

WebQ envisions a future where all communities benefit from an equitable distribution of resources.



LGBTQIA+ tribes are present in every race, region, and religion.

Coalition partnerships make the minority the majority.

Queer interests are human interests. Our family is in every family.


Queer spending power is greater than the GDP of all but five nations.*

WebQ wields our privilege to honor & hold space for historically peripheral voices.

WebQ amplifies the voices of our family and informs policy makers of our collective message.


Education is a human right.

WebQ is developing multiple on-ramps to career pipelines.

WebQ will address the needs of our economies with the needs of our communities.


WebQ develops pipelines from poverty to prosperity.

We deploy resources for communities and individuals.

Dignity and respect is in the heart of our services.


#Qs (pronounced HQs) are our digital and analog headquarters.

#Q lounges are being designed for deployment at live events and conferences.

WebQ develops programs for community centers and campus organizations.
